- Himekazura Doll Wigs category with the following options:
- LL (10-11 Inch)
- L (9-9.5 Inch)
- M (8-8.5 Inch)
- MS (7-7.5 Inch)
- S (6-7 Inch)
- 5inch
- 4.5inch
- Style: Short
- Style: Long
- Style: Semi-long
- Style: Twin Tail/Pony Tail
- Style: Other Hair Style
- Color: Brown/Orange/Red
- Color: Pink/Purple
- Color: Blonde/Yellow
- Color: Black/White/Silver
- Color: Blue/Green
- Vance (Hair Clip)
- Wefting (Hair Bundle)
Nakano + 5 others
hime-00JIOGK4 (0201837409)
Store Front Item
2,000 yen
nitem-00KT6969 (0201985823)
In stock
1,800 yen
Sahra + 5 others
nitem-00JJIQUQ (0201837412)
In stock
1,800 yen
Sapporo + 4 others
mytoy-00KXA3BI (0201541659)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Sapporo + 4 others
mytoy-00KXA34A (0201541660)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Sapporo + 6 others
mytoy-00JJ6BLV (0201837411)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Sapporo + 2 others
spr-hime52dMS-00KIRK2U (0200421431)
Store Front Item
2,500 yen
Nagoya + 4 others
nitem-4F-00HCNXT7 (0200421430)
Store Front Item
3,000 yen
Sahra + 4 others
nitem-00H40NYM (0200206080)
In stock
1,200 yen
Nakano + 6 others
hime-00JIOH52 (0201837417)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Grandchaos + 1 others
1G02doll-00KWQ8QB (0201985822)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Nagoya + 5 others
nitem-4F-00JJ5F5B (0201837418)
Store Front Item
1,800 yen
Sahra + 1 others
nitem-00H5DDWP (0200215792)
In stock
1,200 yen
fko-doll-00I35GXL (0201204880)
Store Front Item
4,300 yen
Nagoya + 1 others
nitem-4F-00I7EPF0 (0201342229)
Sold Out
3,000 yen
Fukuoka + 4 others
fko-doll121023-00JLS2J5 (0201837410)
Store Front Item
2,000 yen
Grandchaos + 1 others
nitem-00I7O398 (0201342230)
Store Front Item
2,500 yen
Nakano + 1 others
hime01eS (0200210680)
Sold Out
1,800 yen
nitem-00HEXZ3W (0200216748)
Sold Out
1,200 yen
himeC01BP-00IPN15O (0200216727)
Sold Out
1,200 yen
hime07cM (0200210693)
Sold Out
2,000 yen
himeb03YG-00IFRPSS (0201124075)
Sold Out
400 yen
cmp2f-00HC725T (0200272244)
Sold Out
1,800 yen