
Volks Designers Collection Innocent White Tulle Dress Size: SD13/SDGr/SD16/DDS・DD(M/L)/DDdy




fko-doll111009aka-00L4WAFX (0201873004-1100002)




Volks Designers Collection


Original package missing


300mm x 230mm x 70mm / 298g

Regarding the size of [clothes, shoes, wigs, and eyes] , we do not try them on dolls of each size.
The sizes listed are not the exact corresponding sizes.
The sizes listed are approximate.

■The size of the Doll Eye's eyes may vary slightly depending on how they are made. <※ size of the Doll Eyes is the diameter of the entire sphere.
*Please note that the eye size is approximate and we cannot accept returns or exchanges due to size differences in millimeters.

Regarding deterioration of [costumes, shoes, and accessories] ■ Regarding deterioration of doll clothes *Cracks or tears in the leather parts *Rust on metal parts (accessories, hooks, buttons, etc.)
*Color transfer and fading*The adhesive may weaken, the decorations may fall off, and the product may become subject to the above conditions due to deterioration over time.

■ Deterioration of Doll Shoes
※ Doll shoes are prone to deterioration.
As synthetic leather deteriorates, it may crack or the adhesiveness of the area may weaken, causing the shoe to come off.

Deterioration may occur over time.
Thank you for understand that we do not accept returns or exchanges.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Fukuoka store (Doll manager: Yamamoto)

For inquiries regarding product condition, inquiries, and purchase consultations at Mandarake Fukuoka store, please contact us.
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Unopened / Not Opened - 该物品仍然是密封的,内容是未使用的,我们没有检查状况。
Box Resealed - 该物品已被制造商打开(通常是为了进行质量检查)并重新密封,内容物未使用,我们没有检查过状况。
Unused - 该物品要么已经被打开,要么制造商没有使用任何东西来密封包装。内容物没有使用过的痕迹。
Opened - 该物品已被打开,有被处理过的痕迹。它可能有轻微的划痕、污渍等。
Used - 该物品已被打开,有明显的使用痕迹,如划痕、污渍等。



The image shown is for reference purposes. The actual item and package may differ unless noted in the description. Please contact us for further details.

Please note that item descriptions are machine translated from the original Japanese version. If the Japanese version of the page is updated, it may take a while for the English version to be updated. If you can read Japanese and wish to check the most up to date information, please click '日本語' at the top of this page to view the Japanese version. Otherwise please contact us to confirm the latest information.

