
The mark 1 \" police in weekly Shonen Jump 1979 No. 22 / per year (Showa 54), Yudetamago \" Kinnikuman"" new series / world""




spr-vinzassi-00H4MV1G (0100101355-2700009)



Shueisha The comic magazine in 1979 (Showa 54)



Details of goods: spine few color faded, crease by \" Kinnikuman"" 扉頁少 ears with big earlobes, back cover page twists
Size: B5

Condition Ranking Details:
S - It is in mint condition and can be considered new.A - It is in fairly good condition for a secondhand book.
B rank average condition is average for a secondhand book and has some minor damage.
C rank condition is below average, which means we do not recommend it for collection purposes, but it is suitable for reading since the price is cheaper.
D There are some serious problems/ There is?considerable damage.

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