商品状態 ディスク… 説明書… ケース…
状態ランク詳細:- A・・・美品
A'・・・極微キズ、極微いたみあり B・・・いたみ、汚れあり C・・・状態悪い Cイタミ大・・・かなり状態悪い ※ギャラクシー(中野・秋葉原の2店舗によるコンシューマーゲーム部署の総称)基準での状態評価です。
この商品は純正ハードにて動作確認済です。 通販に関しては一切の返品、交換を受け付けておりません。予めご了承ください。 ハガキ・チラシ・ダウンロードコードなどの封入物について、備考欄に記載がないものは付属しておりませんのでご確認の上ご購入してください。
Details of the Condition level:- A - Great condition
A'- Average condition for a second-hand item, there may be minor damage. B - may have visible damage / stain C - Below average, damaged condition Cイタミ大- Heavily damaged. Condition level is according to our original grading standard.
-This item has been tested with authentic Japanese console only. - There are occasions where there may be stickers stuck to the items such as prices, storage and control stickers, overseas shipping labels, import stickers and so on. - Unopened items are not covered by warranty in the event that they are defective. - Any serial codes that may be included with items have not been checked to see if they are currently working. - Unless it is mentioned on the description, initial enclosed items (Promotion flyer, post card, DL code, etc) areNOT included. - Not accepting any items returns or exchanges.